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LeYi international Yang love school action
Scrool Name:beijingleyi Time:2014/5/13 Read:890次 【Typeface:Big In Samill

Editor's note: there are also in the developed area, the existence of poverty,Beijing is such an example, there are such a group of children, there is such aschool, a group of such a teacher. Editor's Narrative: June day in early 8.30,when the Children's Day, Le Yi International Decoration Design Engineering Co. Ltd. all employees to participate in a special acts of love, sunshine and love action. Sunshine and love school in Zhangjiawan, before is Zhangjiawanmiddle school, with the left-behind children more and more, the school changed its name called sunshine and love school, named the sun is to these children can live like normal people like sunshine, grew up to be a force for theinternational community. Inside the school most of the students are disabled,rarely bile sound most are his parents abandoned, and sometimes I wonder ifstudents why they will abandon their parents, this is contrary to human ethics.They are the biggest twenty years old, the youngest only four or five years oldif not saw, who wants to spend the same are most in need of parents lovechildren, a foundling. Look at those children our hearts bittersweet, think we'llhave a look they know how we are happy, we have parents care for.

But fortunately so that they are social and some people love to help, to givethem a home for them to form a large group, let originally because it wasabandoned and inferiority heart began to understand the feelings. They don't have good teaching environment is not good living space, but the society and love to give them care so that they become strong, let them find their own livesignificance, is to grow up to help their children, all colleagues at children'steachers, a look at their dormitory to see the children have wonderful performance. The children's pocket money only five angle is the five horn money may charge a month for two months or longer in their pockets.

A teacher's long been taught for four years in the inside, they don't pay nogood eating and living conditions, but they insisted that down, because theyknow that these children, children need to learn to need a guide to theirleader, all employees of our company and leading to the teacher very respect,although we know our belongings just some learning food supplies clothing,there are a number of sports equipment, although only for children to transientwear new clothes, eat delicious food with new stationery, but as long as weinsist that we believe there will be more people or companies that help to seethey.

Playing games with the children, and the children eat in a cafeteria, leaving the children nobody asked us a signature, I asked why the boy said brother when I grow up money to buy you a lot of good, I don't know about you but I cried. Noperson may not feel, three meals a day are some vegetables meat just celebrate it, although many companies funded but that's just the tip of the iceberg, after all, they are long in the life, only the state and more enterprisesact together.

The editor after feeling; although not parents but they don't because this fall,although they don't have a good learning environment is not good living environment, but they are all very happy. I just want all don't know the personto have a look, to have a look your life in material life are very superiorenvironment was shrouded in such a group of children.

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