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LeYi staff spontaneous organizations to visit homes for the elderly
双击自动滚屏 发布者:beijingleyi 发布时间:2014/5/19 阅读:5176次 【字体:

09 years in March 11th, Le Yi people spontaneously organized to visit homes for the elderly, and compulsory labor. Music artists to bear in mind the social responsibility, loyalty to fulfill their social mission, in the development of enterprises at the same time, do not forget to return society, actively participate in the fight against SARS, ice and snow, earthquakes and other natural disasters, contributing school disabled, donations to various charities fund, fully demonstrated the music artist's social responsibility and valuable humanistic spirit.更多请关注:澳门葡京赌场 大发888更多请关注:澳门娱乐城 新葡京赌场更多请关注:百家乐论坛 博彩公司更多请关注:易胜博 盈丰国际更多请关注:葡京娱乐场 葡京棋牌更多请关注:澳门威尼斯人 菲彩国际更多请关注:百家乐官网 博狗更多请关注:体育投注 牛牛赌博更多请关注:博彩网站 葡京娱乐场
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